Product Description
This 2.38" 17-4 Stainless is the smallest full SAE rib on the market for a factory LSA snout. This pulley is equipped with specially designed L2V level GripTec® that maximizes grip with this 17-4 super alloy. This technology allows the maximum grip force to be applied to the component and belt without damaging your belt. You wont have to worry about belt slip with GripTec®. Get the maximum performance out of your supercharger. Featuring our Exclusive GripTec® V2 level grip for Stainless.
GripTec® = Level V2 for Stainless.
Hub: ZPE MKII (10 Bolt M5) **NOT INCLUDED**
Ribs = 10
Color: Stainless
Finish: CNC Stainless
Size: 2.38" Inch
Size: 60.452 mm